
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Getting Organized: Mod Podge Calendar

Calendar Board

Is your calendar on your phone? Linked to your email account? And set up to send you reminders?

Sometimes it's nice to see those big events: birthdays, final exams, dinner parties, or the big game marked on the kitchen calendar.

Don't forget what's happening in your month with our Mod Calendar -- perfect for home, work, or your dorm!

And if a calendar's not your thing, you could make your own to do list, memory board, or a special place to leave notes! What would you do?

Find Mod Podge on Facebook

SUPPLIES & TOOLS: (printable directions here)
  • 8 oz Plaid Mod Podge matte finish
  • Magnetic board
  • Love tags Soft Spoken
  • Neapolitan floral stickers
  • Scrapbook paper, 3 sheets each: (suggested: Peppermint Rain Drops, Green Croc)
  • 2 yds trim: apple green
  • Sponge brush
  • Masking tape
  • Newspaper
  • Hot glue gun, glue sticks
  • Scissors
  • Permanent marker
  • Ruler
  1. Mark out seven columns on the magnetic board with permanent marker. Let dry
  2. Use newspaper and masking tape to cover front of calendar.
  3. Cut Peppermint Rain Drops & Green Croc papers into pieces wide enough to cover front and sides of frame.
  4. Starting with Green Croc paper, use sponge brush to apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to back of 1 piece & place on the frame, smoothing around curves and edges by hand.
  5. Continue with Peppermint Rain Drops, overlapping each piece until frame is covered. Allow to dry.
  6. Seal frame with a coat of Mod Podge. Allow to dry.
  7. Remove tape and paper.
  8. Hot glue trim to inside edge of frame.
  9. Embellish frame with stickers and tags or cut out pictures and apply with Mod Podge.
  10. Cover magnets with floral stickers or cut out pictures and apply with Mod Podge.

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